Be Part of an Exciting Coaching Program for Real Estate Investors That Is Designed to Provide Expert Advice & Insider Strategies You Need to Know to Help Put You on the Path to Success  From the desk of Alan Cowgill: Dear fellow real estate investor, Have you ever thought: “If I just knew how the real experts do it, I know I could explode my real estate investment earnings and begin living the wealthy lifestyle of my dreams?†Well, here’s your chance. You see, I’ve created a coaching program that is designed to deliver to you on a silver platter all the expert advice, information and insider secrets you need to know to jumpstart your real estate investing business and begin earning the income you’ve always dreamed about! Introducing the Alan Cowgill Coaching Program: Now you can get the personal, one-on-one instruction you need to send your real estate performance – and profits – soaring! It’s true. If you are currently wondering any of the following:
…Then this is definitely the program for you! The program is designed to help get you on the path to real estate success. We will teach you how to create and run a real estate business.  The program is centered on buying properties, office management, selling properties, finding private money and rehabbing.  We base the coaching on your needs. The “Alan Cowgill Coaching Program” will teach you how to attract and work with private lenders AND BE SAFE by being in compliance with the SEC. Now, Alan’s coaches are not attorneys, nor can they provide legal advice, but we do have an SEC attorney who can handle your SEC compliance questions. Here is just some of what your personal private coach will teach you:
This Program Is Your Chance to Go Behind Closed Doors with an Experienced Real Estate Professional Who Has Been in Your Shoes! Hello, my name is Alan Cowgill and, just a few years ago, I was finishing my 17th year working for the same company. I was working in the corporate world, I was bored, I was unfulfilled and I faced serious debt. On top of everything else, I had just gone through a divorce and had three small children to support. I just couldn’t make ends meet.  There was never enough money. Then a friend of mine told me about the following statistic: “92% of workers in the United States will retire poor.†After hearing that, I really started to worry. I knew if I continued on the path that I was on, that statistic would definitely include me. Then, just as things seemed at their bleakest, one night at 2 a.m. I saw, of all things, a real estate investment infomercial. And just like that I decided to begin investing in real estate. While I continued in my full-time job I also putting what little money I could scrounge together into real estate deals on the side. Along the way, I made many mistakes. But I also made a lot of correct decisions as well… and now I’m widely known as an expert on obtaining investment funds through private lenders. Just how successful am I?  Well I’ve conducted hundreds of real estate transactions and many of those with “all cash” and none of it my own money! And Now I Want to Provide You with the Guidance & Insight You Need to Help You Succeed as a Real Estate Investor! I want to tell you how to avoid the costly mistakes that I made and I want to share with you the insider secrets that it took me years to learn so that you can begin using them immediately to boost your profits and dramatically cut your costs while working less and getting more done faster and easier than ever before! Why am I doing this? Quite simply, because I wish someone would have done the same thing for me years ago when I was first starting out. Things would have been so much easier. Here’s How My Incredible Coaching Program Works: Your Personal Coach Will:
When you join, you will receive all of the following:
In Short, This Program Delivers What You Need to Get on the Right Path to Real Estate Success! So let me ask you: How much would you like to earn with your real estate investment business this year? $5,000… $10,000… $30,000… or More? …then you need a coaching program that cuts through all of the B.S. and the hype… You need a program that will open your mind… You Need the “Alan Cowgill Coaching Program”! This is your chance to get the expert advice and information you need to maximize your profits while minimizing the time you spend working! We’ll help you become financially free while working less, so that you have even more time to spend with your family or just enjoying life. And I promise you, in this program we hold nothing back! We reveal all the secrets that we’ve personally used.
So What Are You Waiting For? Sign Up Today! So how much would you expect to pay for expert advice and insider information that could have the potential to change your business life by enabling you to achieve the real estate investment success you have always imagined? Certainly, thousands of dollars a month would not be unreasonable as the level of instruction and expert information you will receive in this program is unmatched by any other coaching program in the industry. But relax. You won’t have to pay near that much to join the Alan Cowgill Coaching Program. This $9,995 coaching program is a 6-month program. In order to give both you and the coaching program the best opportunity for success, we require you to sign up for a minimum of six months. After the initial six month period has expired, you can continue on with the coaching program for just $497 a month or you can cancel with no further obligation. But You Must Hurry & Sign Up Now! To ensure enrollees receive the highest level of personal attention, membership in this incredible program is limited. If the program is full, your name will be placed on a waiting list and you join the program after someone else graduates! Here’s the Bottom Line on This Incredible Program… For a variety of reasons – such as a lack of knowledge, fear of the unknown, etc. – many real estate investors fail — or fail to start. But that doesn’t have to be your fate.  Join the Alan Cowgill Coaching Program and you can rest assured that you will receive the support you need to put you on the path to success. We’ll take you by the hand and walk you step by step through the process of succeeding as a real estate investor. We’ll help you easily navigate over and around the many obstacles that all real estate investors encounter and we’ll help you grow your business. So ask yourself this question: Can I afford to miss out on advice and insight from experts who have been in my shoes and succeeded? Sign up today and put yourself on the fast track! Trust me, if you fail to take advantage of this offer, you are sure to kick yourself later! So What ARE You Waiting For? Sign up for the Alan Cowgill Coaching Program Today and Discover How to: Devastate your competition! Get all the money you need to do deals you want! Save time and boost productivity! And much, much more! Sincerely, Alan Cowgill P.S. I believe that folks need to invest in their most important asset: themselves. I’ve participated in many mentoring and coaching programs and I’ve always received tremendous benefits from those programs. P.P.S. Still questioning whether my coaching program is right for you? Email me at to discuss how this service can benefit you in particular. |